Thomson, Webb & Corfield: Seamless Transition to the Cloud

About Thomson, Webb & Corfield

Thomson, Webb & Corfield, a premier Cambridge law firm, combines seasoned legal expertise with deep community engagement, fostering trust and enduring relationships both locally and internationally.

The Challenge

The legal landscape is rapidly evolving, and Thomson, Webb & Corfield sought to stay at the forefront by implementing a new case management software. Transitioning from their on-premises software without disrupting daily operations and ensuring the security and integrity of sensitive legal data was paramount.

Our Solution: Bridging the Past with the Future

1. Expert Project Management:

  • Spearheaded the move from the original on-premises software to a cutting-edge cloud-based solution.
  • Liaised with both the old and new system suppliers to guarantee seamless data migration.

2. User-Centric Approach:

  • Assessed user system requirements and initiated a device upgrade program.
  • Selected test users for preliminary data migration, ensuring that the final transition would be smooth and efficient.

3. Assured Security:

  • Extensively reviewed security protocols, ensuring the cloud provider met the highest standards for data security and integrity.

The Results:

Smooth Implementation

With minimal disruption, all requisite data was flawlessly migrated to the new system.

Adaptable & Efficient

The cloud-based system offered secure internet access, ensuring uninterrupted operations even during unprecedented times like the covid pandemic.

Boosted Productivity

The intuitive nature of the new system, combined with our hands-on support, led to a marked increase in staff productivity and operational efficiency.

The technology that we use to support Thomson, Webb & Corfield

Cloud Migration
Security Reviews
User Acceptance Testing

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Your benefits:
What happens next?

We Schedule a call at your convenience 


We do a discovery and consulting meting 


We prepare a proposal 

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